Give in, But Don't Give Up

I believe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best when he said "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." What exactly does that mean? To me, it means that it is okay to give in sometimes, but it is never okay to give up. This past week or so has definitely has been a test for me. There has been things going on within myself that has had me frustrated. It always borrows the question, "Why me?" I know that I am not the only person that has ever asked that. I have been in so much pain lately that it has been hard to find the will to continue on sometimes. It gets me down at times, but I don't let it keep me down. That is what Dr. King meant. There were plently of times that he encountered obstacles but he didn't let them defeat him.  So, today I decided to push through and write this blog post because there is someone else out there who is feeling like there is no end to their pain and I just want you to know that THERE IS HOPE!!!

One way that I find hope is by living a healthy lifestyle which includes eating clean and working out when I can. Eating clean makes me feel good and losing weight brings on a new found confidence and surge over my life. A year and half ago, I was a size 18 and now I am a size 10/12. I am stronger than ever and I feel amazing!!  Smoothies have become a staple in my diet and when I say diet, I mean nutrition not a fad. Smoothies are quick and easy to make and can be used for meal substitutions or snacks and they can also be used for detoxification purposes as well. By no means am I suggesting that smoothies will make you feel better every day of your life. What I am saying is, that if it does make you feel good for one day, then I count that as a success!

When I  make my smoothies, I like to use spinach because it gives it an extra punch of protein and magnesium and by adding the spinach,it automatically makes it a green smoothie. Also, a way to cut down on using alot of ice is to use frozen fruit instead. I tend to use frozen blueberries because they are an excellenct source of fiber and it's one of the highest antioxidant foods in the world. They are a great brain food for us migraine sufferers. Whey protein powder is something else that I like to add to my smoothies. It helps to add lean muscle. I usually use strawberry or vanilla when it comes to my smoothies but if I need an evening sweet treat,I may use chocolate peanut butter blended with some natural peanut butter and milk. The key is to change up the ingredients every once in a while so that you don't get smoothie boredom. lol The fresher the fruit and juice, the better the flavor and nutrition of your smoothie. The trick is to find what you like and start with that as your foundation. Below, I will include some links to some different articles about smoothies for migraines and chronic pain. Also, I will put a link to my smoothies pinterest board! Feel free to check out my other boards as well. As always, I hope this post has helped someone. Remember, it is okay to give in, but never okay to give up! 😁

Tierra's Smoothie,Detox and Juicing Pinterest Board

9 great smoothie recipes for migraines

Reducing inflammation with healthy smoothies



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