
Whoo,it has been awhile since I have posted a blog,but here I am! There is so much to catch up on but that is going to have to wait for another blog post. Today is about sacrifices. 
Living with a chronic illness or multiple illnesses, there are times when we have to push through the pain to accomplish what needs to be done, whether it's at work, home,school,church...etc. We weigh the options of "if I do this now,will I have to pay for it later?" and in most cases the answer is yes! 
But, there are times when the reward is greater than the sacrifice. In other words,it's worth us pushing through and possibly being in more pain later. I had an incident today where my sacrifice was worth it...every minute of it! 
I was awakened out of my sleep at 2:30 this morning with a migraine. I don't always take pain medication when I have a headache or migraine, but today I did because it was pretty bad. I took my naratriptan at around 6:30 am and went back to sleep. Luckily, my 2 year old son slept later than usual. We got up around 9 and I was still very much in pain and dragging. I fixed him some cereal and sat on the couch. I had absolutely no energy whatsoever. 😴 I felt so bad that I couldn't play with him more. I looked at his face and at the moment, I made a decision. 
I decided that  I had to push through, so that I could put a smile on my son's face. 
I put his shoes on, grabbed my sunglasses and we went outside. I grabbed our chairs out of the trunk,sat in the shade and my son enjoyed himself outside. I knew that my head was going to hurt more later, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make. After he played outside, he actually napped a little longer than he usually does and let me tell you that I was so grateful, because MOMMA NEEDED A NAP! So many times,our migraines dictate what we can and can't do. But,today I said....I WILL SACRIFICE FOR MY SON!  #ChronicMigraineQueen


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