My Emgality Journey Pt.1

I have been taking Emgality since October of 2019 and let me just say that I am pleased with the outcome. So let's rewind to before October. 

For those who don't know,I have experienced migraines since I was a child. They are genetic and many of my maternal family members battle them as well. My mother used to also get occular migraines on top of her regular ones. Occular migraines cause temporary vision loss or even temporary blindness in one eye. It was inevitable that I would get migraines too. 

I started out with what they call episodic migraines with a low frequency. It then progressed to high frequency episodic migraines to now being chronic migraines. I know someone is saying what is the difference between all of those. Low-frequency is less than 10 headache days per month. High frequency is 10-14 headache days per month. Chronic means 15 or more headache days per month. In other words people with chronic migraines have a migraine or headache more often than not. In my case, I was having them just about every day in some sort of way. My pain level could range from a 1-10,but I was ALWAYS in pain. I managed to learn to live with the pain. However, sometimes it was just too much to bear and I'd self isolate. 

I tried so many types of preventative meds and nothing helped me reduce my days of pain. It became easier to count the days I wasn't in pain as opposed to the other way around. After years of neurologists not knowing what to do or listening, I gave up. It wasn't until last year that I decided to finally see someone again. When I was pregnant, the migraines were terrible due to the hormones. (Hormonal shifts are one,of many, of my triggers) My obstetrician/gynecologists were located in a different area than I live. I would travel 45 minutes for an appointment. So they recommended a neurologist that was tied to their group of doctors which happened to be right up the street from them. What they didn't know was someone I knew also told me about her right before they did. So I listened to them tell me all about Dr.Patricia Scripko. I was skeptical to try someone new, but quickly realized what did I have to lose? At the very least she would tell me what I thought I already knew...which was nothing was going to work and I'd continue to be in pain everyday or she could actually help me out. I made the appointment and when the day came,I was pleasantly surprised. 


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