Oh Baby?!!

"There isn't a way things should be. There's just what happens, and what we do."
~Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

    Wow, I haven't written a blog since June of last year. I knew it had been awhile but had no idea that it had been that long. Well, I am not going to try and catch you up on everything that is going on but I will rewind to Christmas Eve 2017. On that day, I found out that I am going to be a mother. To say that I was emotional would be an understatement. I felt scared, nervous,overwhelmed,sad, and happy all at the same time. 
    About 5 years ago, I had a miscarriage in my previous relationship. I had a blighted ovum.  A blighted ovum is also known as anembryonic pregnancy. It is when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall,but the embryo doesn't develop. The gestational sac develops,but not the embryo. It feels like you are pregnant and your hcg levels continue to rise but the body recognizes the abnormality and miscarries. When it first happened, I didn't know why my body was doing this. I blamed myself for everything and felt like such a failure. That was devastating because I LOVE children and have been teaching kids all my life in daycares, preschools, kindergarten...etc. For years after that, I had made up in my mind that I no longer wanted children. 

   When I found out that I was pregnant, I didn't know how to feel. I was scared that I was going to have another miscarriage,although they say it's rare to have a blighted ovum more than once. I was overwhelmed because this pregnancy was definitely not planned. I didn't know what to expect. I called the father of my child and told him and then called my best friend. They were both pretty excited. I waited until I was 8 weeks to tell my parents because I didn't want to get their hopes up and I had no idea how they would react. When I finally did tell them, they were over the moon with excitement and anticipation. They found it hard to keep the secret until I was 12 weeks. 

I had  my very first ultrasound on Valentine's day and it was so emotional. The sonographer had trouble getting good pics at first because the baby wouldn't keep still. lol So after she got all the measurements and pics she needed, she just let us sit and watch the screen for a little bit. It was at that moment that my mother and I shed a couple tears. It was amazing to see such a sweet thing inside of me. It hit me that I was growing a tiny human inside me and was going to be a mom. So later that day, I made the public announcement that I was pregnant. The support, love and congratulations were overwhelming. It was great to see that I have such a huge support system.

I was blessed to not experience much nausea or morning sickness during my first trimester. But, it was well compensated for. I was getting the worst migraines ever and extreme fatigue. All I wanted to do was sleep. Hormones is one of my triggers anyway. Whenever my menstrual cycle would come, I always knew that I'd have migraines for a couple days straight. So imagine the pain I am enduring now. I either get them everyday or every other day. When I told my obstetrician about it, she said that they would calm down during my second trimester. I wanted to sock her in the face right then because I was thinking, didn't I just tell you that I suffer from chronic migraines. But instead, I just nodded my head and smiled. I go back next week and best believe I will be requesting medicine. Tylenol is the only safe pain medication that pregnant women are allowed to take. If I am having an acute attack, I can take a couple Tylenol extra strength and drink some caffeine and it will keep it at bay for a bit but after a few hours, it'll come right back. I also use peppermint and lavender oil. I have learned that rosemary oil isn't a safe oil to use during pregnancy. If I put an icepack on my forehead after I apply the peppermint oil, it feels SO good. lol I hope that they are able to prescribe me something because some days I just can't even stand to be in my own skin. I know that it will be worth it in August when I see my sweet baby's face but being pregnant while suffering isn't fun at all. I will definitely keep you guys updated as I travel along this journey to become a mom. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow and already know what I am having. When I am ready to reveal, I will make sure that you all get the news as well. Have a blessed day.


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